
Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Coda- Week of 2/29/08

This week has brought some great stories. Whether your putting your money for or against iTunes, or trying to convince yourself that Amazon's launch of the $.79 download is going to change the music industry, suits are still going on in China against Baidu.

Let's hope Perez Hilton doesn't REALLY think he's an actual A&R rep just because he's got an "ear" for good music, and for the people who actually DO have an ear for music (program directors), let's make sure those bands go to and upload their music to make it readily available to spin.

MIDEM 2008 is now in the past, but the topics discussed and presented at the international conference are just the tip of the ice-burg for new things to come in the industry. When it comes to ad-supported music, you have to ask yourself, "Would I rather get free music and listen to an Ad when I hear it, or would I PAY not to?"

Over and Out.